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Learn how to get firewood for free.

Even today, wood heating is still the cheapest energy on the market. However, in a specific context, it may be interesting to find firewood for free. You were all told how to get firewood.

French Forest

Through professional

You should not know that the best way to get wood today is through a licensed professional. When you pass professionals, you can handle your wood quickly and easily!

Another advantage through professionals is the quality of wood. In fact, professionals must respect the drying time of wood to keep the humidity below 20%. But you may know, but if you want to burn wood, the humidity of your wood must be less than 20%. In fact, too wet wood will produce a lot of ash, so the yield will be lower than that of well dried wood.

In addition, they can choose wood to provide you with high-quality wood and heating, which will affect your heating costs.

Therefore, the simplest but not the cheapest way is to let professionals find your firewood.

A good corner for firewood

You may not know, but today, there is a classified advertising website that offers free wood. This wood can be used for heating or DIY.

In fact, montasdebois Fr website provides the opportunity for craftsmen, companies and individuals to provide wood for free through advertising on the website. The goal is to be able to recycle wood that they do not use. Therefore, you can find waste wood, damaged pallets, logs

But be careful, you must not use any wood to heat you. In fact, if you do not want to damage your equipment, the wood you use for heating must meet certain standards.

To understand these standards, we invite you to consult our articles to learn how to choose the right firewood.

Therefore, we recommend that you be careful to recover, and the most important thing is not to use any wood for heating.

Afouage: An ancestral practice that can provide you with wood for free

Do you know Ah Fu? This practice, which can be traced back to the Middle Ages, is a good way for you to get free and high-quality wood. In fact, whether in Gard, Is è re, Loiret or anywhere in France, you will find public forests.

Today, this practice is preserved in forest communes, especially in northeastern France, where public forests are most concentrated.

In fact, in the Middle Ages, the French lords once allowed the residents of their kingdom to enter their forests for heating, which was called "affouer".

Therefore, ONF (Office National des For ê ts) regularly organizes firewood transportation for individuals. However, in order to respect the French forest, this practice is strictly monitored and controlled by the city council.

Avant chaque cession de bois, les différents acteurs en jeu : le conseil municipal, la commission des bois, le forestier doivent fixer un cahier des charges pour que l’affouagiste ne détériore pas la forêt et ne coupe pas n’importe quel arbre.

Thanks for obtaining wood for free

« En 2020, un million de mètre cubes ont été mis à disposition des collectivités pour l’affouage » Source Office National des Forêts

Ainsi, l’affouage est aujourd’hui un bon moyen pour se procurer du bois gratuitement tout en protégeant les forêts françaises.

Nous vous invitons cependant, à vous rapprocher de votre municipalité pour en savoir plus.

Comme vous l’aurez compris, il existe aujourd’hui de nombreuses façons de vous procurer du bois que ce soit gratuitement ou non. Cependant, nous vous conseillions de vous rapprocher d’un professionnel afin de garantir une qualité de bois et donc de ne pas détériorer votre appareil de chauffage.