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7 Reasons to Heat with Wood

With the rising prices of natural gas, fuel and electricity... it is sometimes difficult to pay bills. So how can we heat ourselves without damaging the bank and have little impact on the environment? Find 7 good reasons to heat wood.

7 Reasons to Heat with Wood

In fact, this issue seems very complicated today. For two months, we have been hearing about the rise in the prices of natural gas and electricity, and the ban on installing oil fired boilers... But what about that?

Of all the current heating solutions, one has won all the votes: wood heating.

In fact, today, whether it is economic, ecological or efficient, wood stoves have become a must-have in our homes. But why is wood heating so important? Find 10 good reasons to use wood for heating.

Reason 1: The cheapest heating method in the market

Today, the price of wood is the cheapest fuel on the market. In fact, the price of wood is twice that of natural gas and four times cheaper than electricity. In addition, it is now possible to pay for wood for the most common household energy use checks. Finally, timber prices are not affected by any market fluctuations. Therefore, for all these reasons, wood heating is the cheapest heating system on the market today.

As an indication, compared with other heating sources, the price of wood heating per kilowatt hour is:

Logarithm: 4 cents per kWh

Granular: 7 cents per kilowatt hour

Fuel oil: 8 cents per kilowatt hour

Natural gas: 8 cents per kWh

Electricity charge: 17 cents per kilowatt hour

Source: 60 million consumers

Reason 2: Wood heating and environmental protection

More and more so-called "clean" heating and respect for the environment have emerged. However, despite prejudice, wood heating is ecological and has several reasons:

Wood is now a renewable energy source, just like solar energy. French forests continue to grow at an average rate of 80000 hectares per year through natural expansion. This expansion is equivalent to 3.5 times of Fengdan Bailu Forest.

Most of the wood you buy today comes from France or Europe, which limits the CO2 emissions associated with cargo transportation.

Finally, the carbon footprint of wood is neutral. It emits as much carbon dioxide during combustion as it absorbs before being cut.

Reason 3: Financial assistance for wood heating

In fact, because of its renewable aspects, wood heating today knows many countries to help you invest in wood heating.

For example, we found that MaPrimeRenov 'benefits you by installing wood heating systems for up to 3000 euros.

In addition, there are various kinds of help, such as Air Bois bonus, VAT reduction and zero interest rate ECO-LOAN. Thanks to all these help, wood heating has really become a necessity in our home and is now one of the most economical systems.

Reason 4: Efficient heating system

Manufacturers of wood heating systems are really committed to the performance of stoves, both from a purely performance perspective and from the CO2 emissions associated with combustion.

In fact, today's furnaces provide higher and higher combustion efficiency, and the efficiency of large furnaces is up to 93%.

Efficiency of different wood heating systems

Reason 5: Wood heating, pleasing to the eye

One of the advantages of wood heating is its fun. Indeed, nothing is more pleasant than standing by the fire and feeling the heat of the fire.

Since ancient times, wood heating has always been a synonym for happiness and the cocoon of a family. No other heating system can boast of this.

Reason 6: Multiple wood heating systems

Today's wood heating is very developed, allowing you to find the right system according to your needs.

In fact, there are many different fuel solutions today: logs, grains, wood chips, compact logs, etc.

In addition, the combustion system and heat distribution in the family have also made considerable progress. Today there are different systems, such as:

The furnace allows the average surface to be heated with minimum energy by convection and accumulation

Pipe stove for heating the whole house

Natural convection furnace for fast heating small area

The ventilation furnace allows part of it to heat an ordinary room and select the radiation direction

Wood fired boiler to heat water tank

Large capacity storage furnaces allow for gradual heat release.

Rationale 7: Unmatched design

Finally, stove manufacturers have now made progress, particularly in the design and form of wood heating systems.

Indeed, there are various types of furnaces, whether circular, square, embedded, steel, cast iron, ceramic... You can always find a furnace that suits you!